Wednesday 5 February 2014

So close......

Tonight was my third weigh-in for my group personal training and I was really hoping to get into the double digits. Unfortunately I weighed in at 100.6kg :(

I know that this is so close but I was really hoping to see myself in the ninety's tonight. I will definitely be under 100 by next weigh in as long as I keep up all of my training and keep my diet in check.

In terms of diet I am feeling really good, I have not had any issues keeping to the diet given which is basically 4 carbs, 3 fruit, 6 protein and at least 3 veges with no carbs after 4pm. These rules are pretty easy to follow but I am keep my diet pretty much the same each day to ensure that I know I am eating right.

In the next couple of weeks I'll post up some of the foods I am eating :)

Hope you are all doing well,
Rachael xx

Monday 27 January 2014

Week One

After one week of my personal training group I am feeling really really good.

I put on some pants that are to tight usually on Sunday and was able to wear them all day without any trouble, it felt so good to put them on and be comfortable.

Last week we had a weigh-in on the Wednesday, it showed a 3 kg loss but I believe this might be incorrect. I think I may have just been extra heavy on the first weigh-in as it just seems like too much when I had only been concentrating on food for 3 days.

Wednesday is another weigh-in day so wish me luck, I have been really good so let's just see :)

Let me know how your 2014 goals are going would love to hear from you!!

Have a fab week,
Rachael xx

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Group Personal Training

I have been given a great opportunity to assist in my weight loss mission. My amazing mother has paid for me to complete a 12 week challenge with her group of friends who do this together throughout the year.

I start on Monday, it will be two evening weight sessions (Mon & Wed) along with two morning cardio sessions (Tues & Thurs). The great thing about those times is I can still go to my Tues & Thurs circuit training sessions which I love and didn't want to have to give up.

I'm very excited about starting this, in terms of nutrition its pretty straight forward, low carb, plenty of protein and LOTS of fruit & vege.

I am really hoping I can stick to this and see results. In the past some women have lost up to 20kgs in the 12 weeks and kept it off so it has me excited.

Here's a picture of the book I got tonight at my weigh in and measurement.

I will continue to give you updates on how it all goes and keep up my during pics which are due soon :)

Have a great weekend,
Rachael xx

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Happy New Year!!!! Bring On 2014!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas & New Years and brought in 2014 with style. I spent Christmas with my family, well those that are not overseas :). For New Years Dean, Maddie and I went up north to a beach called Mahinepua. We camp on the beach here with a family that Dean has been friends with for many years. It was a wonderful family holiday even without the working toilet and shower :p.

Onto 2014, I have so many things I wish to accomplish throughout my life and wish I could do them all this year but have decided that I need to give myself a chance to complete these goals and if I am unable to complete a goal I may become discouraged and fail the remainder of my goals as I have done in the past.

Here is a list of all my goals for 2014 including my hobbies, lifestyle, family, studies etc
  • Do at least 4 fun runs throughout the year
  • Fit into a size 14 comfortably.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Make healthy food choices
  • Attempt (and hopefully complete) climbing Mt Kilimanjaro
  • Take a photo everyday (this is about me completing Photo A Day through Fat Mum Slim follow my instagram rtob to see my pics)
  • Enter at least 2 photos into photography club 1 being of the set subject and 1 into open
  • Blog at least once every fortnight on each of my blogs (check out my other blog I will be giving it a makeover and starting up my posts again regularly)
  • Make at least one item of clothing on my sewing machine
  • Learn to knit a basic beanie
  • Make time for family fun
  • Get into the garden for an hour or more each week
  • Keep a cleaning schedule and stick to it
  • Stick to the 2014 budget

At the moment these are my goals for 2014. I know it looks like a lot but quite a few of these are in my current lifestyle already I just want to make sure that I keep them up.

I hope you have made a note of your goals and can vision yourself at the end of 2014 celebrating what you have accomplished throughout the year :)

Will post again soon
Rachael xx

Monday 2 December 2013

Back on track

Wow, it feels like ages since I last wrote a post on here.

Exams are over, YAY!!!! It is now time to relax and concentrate on me for a couple of months before going back to studying.

I have been speaking with a personal trainer who takes one of my classes at the gym and he is looking at creating me a specialised eating plan that will allow me the energy I need to get through the days and also help me to lose weight. Due to my large amounts of exercise I feel tired a lot which means I eat sugary foods to keep my energy levels up, its a vicious cycle really because I tend to have huge highs and then big lows. I look forward to receiving this later this week or early next week :)

In terms of weightloss I do not believe that I have lost anything on the scales however I did go around trying size 16 dresses the other week so the cm's must be coming off which makes me feel really good.

Here is a picture of me wearing one of these dresses at my nanas 75th birthday party

I hope you are all on track and seeing the results you want to see. Christmas is coming so we need to work extra hard over the next couple of weeks to allow for those treats come xmas day.

Rachael xx

Thursday 21 November 2013

Before and during

Its been a month since I took my before photos and as I promised I have taken some progress shots.

Personally I don't see much of a change and my partner didn't take the photos from the same distance as the first time. I do however feel one when I'm wearing my clothes and trying on new ones to buy for summer.

Today I purchased a size 16 dress which was my goal for new years so if I'm really good over the next month and a bit I may even be able to buy a big size 14 on new years eve.

Here is a picture of my front


And my left side

Finally my back (can't make it larger sorry)

I hope your goals are going as well as you want them too and that you are enjoying the last few weeks of 2013.

Rachael xx

Saturday 16 November 2013

Sculpt 6k run

Yesterday I picked up my run pack and got ready for today.

Today was the day I have been waiting for.....
Start line

I completed the Sculpt 6k run this morning with a time of 49 minutes and 28 seconds.

The time I wanted to complete it in was 40 minutes but unfortunately it was very hot and I did struggle a little. There where many times that I wanted to stop and walk for a short time and it may have made me faster but I was determined to run the whole race even if it was a slow jog for some of it.

Here is a picture of me after I've completed the run and enjoying a nice coffee.

I hope that if you also did some exercise today you enjoyed it.

Rachael xx